Twitter refuses to remove Arizona Republican Party Tweet calling for violence, says not violation of rules

As reported by CNN Twitter has refused to remove the Tweets (see below) calling for people to give their lives, an obvious call for violence, stating that they do not violate Twitters rules.

Twitter’s own rules state:

“[…] This includes celebrating any violent act in a manner that may inspire others to replicate it or any violence where people were targeted because of their membership in a protected group.”

Twitter has not elaborated on their decision.

The below are the offending Tweets:

Arizona Republican Party calls for violent overthrow of the election

In two Tweets this morning the official Twitter account of the Republican Party of Arizona called for Americans to ‘give their lives’ in the fight to overthrow a democratic election.

Late last night the same account Tweeted the below, calling on their members to ‘#FightForTrump’.

The Arizona Republican party has been calling on the state legislature to decertify the election, so far this effort has been ineffectual. Now they seem to be calling on their members to go se far as to give their lives for the effort to stop the democratic election results from being certified. This reads like an unmistakable call to violence.

Twitter has not flagged the Tweets as of the time of this writing.